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Roofing in Oklahoma City, OK

Get a FREE quote for all your roofing needs from the best roofing contractors in Oklahoma. We handle Roof Repair, Roof Replacement, Metal Roofs, Shingle Roofs, and more. All types of roofing. Call Now…

Professional Roofing for Residential and Commercial Applications

We are the leading roofing company in OKC and have the experience and expertise in installing all roofing systems.  Our goal is to give you peace of mind on a roof job well done while enhancing the performance and longevity of your roof. When you hire us, you can count on our roofing experts to ensure that all parts of the roofing system are installed properly and professionally. A Roof installation should never be left to amateurs or overpriced professionals. A slight error or oversight can lead to expensive, often irreversible damages or require additional repair work. 

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Roofing Repair Replacement Leaks Metal Shingle Slate Gutters

Hire a Professional Roofer…

A professionally installed roof can last for the lifetime of your ownership if properly installed. At Roofing Oklahoma City, OK, we serve the entire Oklahoma City and metroplex area, providing specialized residential and commercial roofing installation. We are here to provide you with maintenance and repair services. We are your number one choice for high-quality roofing services.

As one of the leading roofing contractors in Oklahoma City, we make sure that all our specialists and technicians are trained to deliver roof repairs and replacement solutions along with stellar customer service! Our roofing contractors in Oklahoma City strive day in and day out to service the installation needs of OKC homeowners for their residential roofs. With our use of advanced roofing techniques and tools, our team of roofing experts will quickly and easily address the cause of the roofing problem and offer a fair and reasonable price for a roof repair or complete installation.

Choose the Right Roofing Application…

Aside from our fast turnaround time, smooth service, quality craftsmanship, and fair pricing, we help you to choose the right roofing material for your residential or commercial space. With our expert advice and professional support, you can get durable and aesthetically appealing roofing systems. The decision to repair, replace or install a roof is indeed significant. Make sure you make the right decision with Roofing Oklahoma City, OK.  We also offer gutter replacement services in New York. If you are in search of the best roofing company in Oklahoma City, you know where to look.

Call Now (888) 909-2405

We are highly educated individuals with a background as very successful contractors. We decided it was more important for you to spend quality time with your family and created Roofing OKC to fill a local void.

Roofing issues don’t always happen at convenient times. That’s why Roofing OKC offers emergency roof repair services to home and business owners. We pride ourselves in being the best of what we do, Roofing.

Building a new home or doing a full roof replacement, Roofing Oklahoma City, OK will be happy to give you the lowest price and the best roofing service within the Oklahoma City and the metroplex area.

The Advantage Of Metal Roofing

While the benefits of metal roofing are well-known, our company takes things even further with The Classic Advantage. Classic Advantage benefits will not be found with many competing products and will rarely, if ever, be found in one family of systems the way they are at Classic Metal Roofing. Consider these unique benefits:

  • Concealed fasteners for beauty and weather tightness
  • Kynar 500 or Hylar 5000 coatings
  • Unique forming methods provide today’s most intricately designed metal roofing profiles
  • Wide range of colors to meet today’s home design trends
  • Lifetime / 40-Year Transferable Limited Warranty is non-pro-rated for all owners
  • Warranty transfers to all future owners with no transfer fee
  • hI-R Heat Barrier Finishes reflect radiant heat even in dark colors
  • Proven manufacturer with 30+ years of experience
  • Product lines with 40 – 50 years of field use
  • Caring Customer Support Team always available to help homeowners
  • Experienced and trained independent dealer network
  • Optional PVDF powder coating allows custom colors and blends\
  • Made from quality, up to 99% recycled aluminum, the majority of which is post-consumer.
  • Proven flashing designs including our unique “no-clog” valley system
  • Available factory-formed custom flashings
  • Weights as low as 0.45 pounds per square foot

As you consider a new roof for your home, please consider the many advantages of metal. And then consider the Classic Advantage – benefits that are unmatched in the industry.


The roof of a home is among its essential parts. It protects the indoor space from various weather conditions and helps maintain a comfortable environment. However, choosing the best roofing option is more complicated than people may think. For instance, shingle roofs are a popular choice, even though homeowners who plan to install this type of roof may not know much about it. In those situations, consulting a reputable roofing contractor is prudent. To help you with this decision, let’s discuss some advantages and disadvantages of a shingle roof.


Asphalt shingle roofs are trendy and for a good reason. Below are some main benefits involved with this roofing type.

First, they are beneficial. Asphalt shingles will protect a house from most weather elements and are leak-resistant. Along with that quality and resilience, shingle roofs are also reasonably affordable. They tend to be among the most economical roofing options on the market.

In terms of aesthetics, shingle roofs offer a simple look. It is not too fancy, yet perfectly fitting for those desiring a more traditional look for their homes. So, there are three good reasons why this roofing type has been around for years – it’s resilient, affordable, and looks great.

When one thinks of “shingles,” they likely have the same image in their head – plain black or brown tiles. However, roof shingles are available in various colors such as green, blue, and red. Plus, the traditional shingle shape isn’t the only option; there are different shape options.

Another considerable benefit of shingle roof tiles is that they are relatively easy to install. However, this doesn’t mean that a homeowner should go ahead and install them on their own, but it does indicate that a professional roofing company won’t take long to do so. Thanks to this fact, the installation of a shingle roof is quite affordable.

Finally, thanks to their simple construction and application, shingles are easily replaceable. For instance, if a tree branch damages a portion of the roof, the homeowner may not need to replace the entire roof but just the affected area.


While they do offer resiliency, shingles aren’t the most durable roofing option on the market. They will last for around 20 years. Now, two decades is, indeed, a long time, but compared to metal and tile roofs (which last about 50 and 100 years, respectively), shingles are somewhat short-lived.

Another disadvantage with shingles is that they aren’t wind-proof. They are also prone to mildew if they aren’t regularly and professionally maintained.

Slate Roofing

Slate Roofs Will Last Past the Century Mark

When you install slate roofs, you can expect a service life of at least 100 years. With expert installation and regular maintenance, you will be looking at more than 150 years of service. If slate roofs seem like they last forever, it’s because they do. Seeing that they’re cut from natural stone extracted from the earth, they have already existed for millions of years. This also makes them durable and almost indestructible. With slate roofs, you will not need constant roof repairs. Some homeowners may never repair their slate roofs in their lifetimes. However, minor repairs may be necessary because of storm damage or when heavier objects such as trees falling on your roof.

Slate Roofs are Stunningly Attractive

Appearance is probably the hallmark of slate roofing. Slate roofs are stylish and ooze class and opulence. In some exclusive suburbs, most homes are built using slate roofs. Luckily, there are many roofing styles, sizes, colors, textures, patterns, and shapes that a homeowner can select from. A roofing contractor with a penchant for design will install an impressive slate roof that will blow your mind. You will find slate roofing tiles in many colors such as red, black, purple, green, and gray, and some mottled tiles that have a mix of colors. When you have all these options for your roof, you only need to find an experienced roofing contractor to get the job done excellently.

Slate Roofs Withstand the Elements

Slate is naturally mold resistant, fire-resistant, and has a low water absorption capacity. Because slate tiles are heavy, they are not easily blown off by strong winds. Water, strong winds, and fire are the common causes of roof damage and cost homeowners a fortune in roof repair and maintenance costs. On average, roof water damages costs homeowners about $2,386 to fix, while removing standing water on roofs costs roughly $2,688. For wind damages, homeowners pay $5,757, while fire and smoke damage cost $4,172. You say goodbye to these vexing costs when you install slate roofs.

Slate Roofs Are Eco-friendly

Other types of roofs such as asphalt shingles will need to be replaced after some years when they wear out. Typically, after a new roof is installed, the old roof is sent to the dumpsite because neither the homeowner nor the roofing company has any use for it. Keep in mind that most other roofing materials are made from non-biodegradable materials such as fiberglass. These materials are harmful to the environment. On the other hand, slate roofs are made from natural stone. Add that to the fact that slate roofs may last more than 100 years. When the slate roofs are finally replaced, they will not have any negative effects on the environment.

Slate Roofing Boosts the Value of Your House

A house with a slate roofing will attract more homebuyers. If you decide to sell your house, it will fetch a higher market value than a similar house without a slate roof. Given that slate tiles are heavy, a house with a slate roofing is considered structurally strong and well-built. This adds to the desirability of a home that has a well-maintained slate roofing.

The only reason why slate roofs are not on all American homes is the installation cost. You will have to dig a little bit deeper into your pockets to install a slate roof, but the return on your investment will be worth it. You will have a unique, attractive, durable, and secure roof with little to zero maintenance costs. For expert installation, you should trust the professional roofing contractors.


The principal purpose of a roof is to protect the enclosed space beneath it. Roofs must therefore be constructed to withstand anticipated wind pressures and climatic conditions including a variety of moisture and thermal conditions. Since the energy crisis, special emphasis is now placed on roofing to insure that heating and cooling losses are minimized over wide variations in temperature experienced in the U. S. Cullen measured effects of substrates, surface color, insulation and surface treatment on solar heating and radiative cooling of built-up roofing specimens. In low-rise industrial buildings and many schools and multi-family residences, the roof often constitutes the largest structural component in which insulation can be most effectively incorporated to reduce heating and cooling loads. The four major roof elements – structural deck, vapor flow retarder, thermal insulation, and built-up membrane – perform special functions.

Roofing Oklahoma City, OK